We, as Belenco Quartz Surfaces, we care about the needs of street animals as a social issue, and provide support to meet the food, water, shelter and other needs of stray animals at Manisa Organized Industrial Zone where our production facilities are located. With a project executed together with İdealist Interior Design Association for the purpose of spreading this movement; we aim to raise awareness for street animals by donating foods on behalf of our interior designer friends that are members of İdealist. Our biggest purpose is to ensure the growth of this donation campaign and the adoption of this initiative by the architecture community in order to feed hundreds of street animals through Haytap and Beslenme Noktası (Feeding Point) volunteers. In this project launched based on the motto #sendebağışyap (you should donate too); we hope that all members of İdealist Interior Design Association join this challenge to spread the donation of foods for animals and act as an intermediary to raise more donations for the street animals in need.
We send a digital donation certificate through the Bobo character created by the caricaturist Serkan Altuniğne to all members of İdealist in memory of this project launched to meet food needs of our #friendsonstreets.
#sendebağışyap (you should donate too) and let this love grow further!